When Avengers: Infinity War hit the big screen, Marvel fans and moviegoers were stunned by the film’s heartbreaking ending, when Peter Parker literally disappeared into thin air after saying the now infamous, “I don’t feel so good.” PicsArt’s Dispersion tool quickly emerged as a top way to recreate the scene. With a healthy dose of dark humor, users began using the tool to turn Parker’s final words into a meme. We turned it into an editing challenge, and you brought the effect to a new level. Here are the winners!

1.  #freetoedit Fade awayvia PicsArt

2. #ecidontfeelsogoodmeme "The Break in the Rainbow"Edit by: Parietal Imagination ArtSECOND PLACE "DONT FEEL SO GOOD" MEME CHALLENGE ??#dispersion #eye via PicsArt

3. #freetoedit #dispersion #mirror #girl #chairvia PicsArt

4.  4th place in 17,966! #freetoedit #ecidontfeelsogoodmeme #idontfeelsogoodmeme via PicsArt

5. Whats coming out of me ...??? Image by @aaismell #madewithpicsart #girl #hairblowing #inthewind #floralbrushes #myedit #ecidontfeelsogoodmemevia PicsArt

6. #freetoedit #interesting #madewithpicsart #womanportrait #editbyme Happy end of week my Dear Friends ,see you later ⭐️????✌?via PicsArt

7.  #freetoedit via PicsArt

8. #freetoedit via PicsArt

9.  #freetoedit The day I disappear, Will you miss me?via PicsArt

10. #freetoedit #dispersion #gracevanderwaal #girl #flowersvia PicsArt

Congratulations to all of the challenge winners!

PicsArt photo editor, collage maker and sticker maker is a totally new kind of creative community, with over 100M+ monthly users. PicsArt has collaborated with brands like Dior, Jared Leto’s band Thirty Seconds To Mars and Lindsey Stirling. Supermodels Izabel Goulart, Doutzen Kroes, and Natalia Vodianova have shared PicsArt remixes on their social media. Download the app to get in on the action!