This week’s Drawing Challenge has asked users to draw the mythical unicorn using PicsArt, and today we are posting a step-by-step drawing tutorial to help you out.
Follow the steps below to learn the basics of drawing with the app, and also to get a booster shot of inspiration as you get ready to create your very own unicorn for this week’s contest.
Don’t forget to enter your drawing into the contest by tagging it with #DCunicorn.
Step 1: Outline
Use a thin black brush to outline your unicorn. Then reduce the opacity, add a new layer, and add shading. Use a very thin pencil brush to shade your unicorn with streaks and patterns, then use a thick, textured, dark grey brush to darken larger areas.
Step 2: Color Unicorn
Change colors by pressing the color box, and add a new layer below. Lower the opacity of your brush, and use white and darker colors to add light and shade.
Step 3: Color Background
Add a layer on the very bottom to create your background. Fill your layer with blue for sky, and use a white spray brush for clouds.
Step 4: Add Color & Shading
Finish your drawing by adding new layers of color and shading. Deepen the shading by adding darker shades and brighter lights, and add colorful highlights to your unicorn’s hair.