I’m PicsArtist Vivi kartika @vivilink. I’m 25 years old, married with no kids. I’m Originally from Blitar, East Java – Indonesia. Right now I live in Taiwan for work and will return in another 2 months to my beloved country of Indonesia.
Q. How did you get started using PicsArt?
My highest education was just high school, and drawing was never even one of my hobbies. But then I found the PicsArt Drawing Competition while using my cell phone, and it quickly grabbed my interesting. So I tested my abilities and participated in the competition. I never learned anything about photography, because I was just never the kind of person who got into it.
It was only around 2-3 months ago that I created a PicsArt account, since I liked to use it to edit my pictures. Soon after, the “Interesting” section sparked my curiosity and I began browsing the pictures of other users and enjoyed “liking” my favorite ones. Then I found the beautiful pictures of fellow Indonesians Ririez Kelana @ririezkelana and Eka Setiawati @exstiaisme, I decided to follow them and join their local community called “Funnzyfam”. It may seem strange but they have become my best friends, my second family and my inspiration. They also frequently share their knowledge about photography.
Q. What device do you use PicsArt on?
I have taken pictures and created drawings using my Samsung Galaxy S3 mobile phone.
Q. How do you feel about yourself now as a photographer?
It was very special when my first pic was included in the interesting section. More than a thousand people checked and like it. I was extremely proud and it encouraged me to continue until all my pictures were included in the interesting category.
Q. What are some of your favorite things to do with PicsArt?
I like taking pictures of drops, human interest, nature, pets and flowers. I like to learn to use new effects introduced by PicsArt and explore them. This application is very entertaining for me and really livens up my routine. It has made me more passionate about photography, and made me closer to my country even though I am so far away. I met so many great friends and artists from around the world and many new friends from Indonesia too.
Q. What are your favorite PicsArt effects?
I like almost all of the effects in Picsart but my favorite is the COLORSPLASH effect.
I have uploaded many photos with the colorsplash effect, and one time, one of my friends asked me how I was able to produce such beautiful photos that were black and white with small sections of color. I said that I used PicsArt on my cellphone and so my friend decided to download it for their cellphone too.
Q. What kinds of drawings do you enjoy doing?
I only draw from my imagination. I get very excited especially when there is a drawing contest on PicsArt. I always draw my best but the results are not always good enough. I see that there are still many people out there who draw better than me and I think that I’m just not nearly as good. But when they like my works, it makes me really happy and it gets me even more excited to produce better works in future.
I want to thank the PicsArt team for inviting me to do this interview. It was an honor for me to get this opportunity.
Thanks for giving this wonderful interview