Here ye, here ye! Today, we’re announcing new updates to Magic Video. Yes that’s right, starting now, you can edit all your AI-powered magic videos with music and our all-new Action Effects… To make your very own music videos.

Before you ask what the new Magic Video can do for you, breathe deeply for a moment and take this in. The transformation of a friend’s holiday video with music and Action Effects.

How does this PicsArt magic happen? Well, it’s like a James Bond secret. If we told you, it wouldn’t come to a good end for either of us 🙂

Well… Okay. We all know what music is, right? But our Action Effects are worth calling out. Once you’ve uploaded your most awesome video and added a music track, you can choose from any of our 18 Action Effects. They range from Echo and Shake to Fisheye and Warp and can really bump your self expression to the next level.

New Action Effects from PicsArt!


It’s fun and easy to transform any video into an amazing work of art that’ll make you obviously cooler than any of your friends. Download the free Magic Video app now! And thanks for the shout out from MustTech News.