Josita Alvian (@jositaalvian) began to draw when she was four. Her very busy parents would place paper and crayons in front of her so she could keep busy. She ended up finding her passion. By the time she graduated from high school, she knew she wanted to study art.
She attended school in her home country of Indonesia at the Institute of Art. She studied fine art, including craft, design, and painting. While at the Academy, she realized that she is most inspired by cheerful and colorful art and is most moved by children’s art. She also learned that she wanted to teach and inspire young children to create. After graduating, she began giving private lessons to help children discover their artistic abilities.
She found PicsArt while searching for a powerful drawing and photo-editing app. She shares, “I found that PicsArt would be the child if Photoshop and Instagram got married!” She shares that she uses PicsArt when she needs to do a quick edit on a photo or when she has spare time to draw. When she began posting her images, she found the community warm and inspiring.
Today Josi’s inspiration comes from her students, cooking, and PicsArt. ”Sometimes, I see photos in the featured section that inspire me to create mini clay sculptures or motifs painted on clay eggs.
As for photos, she loves to take photos of unique objects, macro shots of flowers, the beach, nature, and the sky. “I love to feel optimism and the sky is the perfect visual to describe endless hope. It also comforts me when I am weighed down with responsibility.”
As for other things that make her happy, she has a long list. “The things that make me smile and that are like oxygen for me include hugging and kissing those I love, listening to jazz and classical music, singing in the shower, dancing in front of a mirror, preparing dinner for my husband and family, and PicsArting.”
Josi is a great role model for the rest of us to let our own inner child shine, enjoy a dance in front of our mirrors at home, or craft our very own object to share with our PicsArt community. A great place to start to get your creative juices flowing: Josi’s Gallery. Happy PicsArting.
This story was prepared by PicsArt’s Community Editor, Madlene (@madlene_pa). If you have a PicsArt story to share, we would love to read it. Please send an email to [email protected].