I am lucky to meet PicsArtists from all over the world, from Alaska to Australia. Having such a diverse community allows us to learn about everything from the Barbados of Terceira Island to the Shipwreck of Dimitrios and to appreciate beauty throughout the globe.
For the last few months, I have been featuring PicsArtists far and wide. A few weeks ago, I finally took a moment to look around me — literally. I scanned my colleagues and friends here at PicsArt who work hard to make the app and community happen. Many of them double as PicsArtists and are quite active in our community. I thought to introduce you to some of my colleagues, because they are inspiring, wonderful and also very talented.
Ani is a Senior Developer at PicsArt and joined the team as it was being created. She graduated from the State Engineering University of Armenia with a Master’s in Computer Science and was recruited by PicsArt straight out of university.
As part of the original PicsArt team, I asked Ani what she is most proud of. “I like that it is for everyone,” she said. “PicsArt gives us all the freedom to create art.”
As for Ani the PicsArtist, she loves to capture that which makes her happy. At home, Ani and her husband Vahe are parents to the very precious Gayane. The couple’s adorable daughter is nine months old, and every time she visits the office we swarm around her gushing over her infectious smile.
“I love to capture heartening moments with my loving friends, supportive coworkers, and doting family. I love recording my daughter’s little accomplishments and even her everyday routine. Nature is also a favorite subject of mine,” shares Ani.
After a full day of work — and once Gayane is asleep — Ani follows contests, checks her notifications, and comments on photos. “I also read feedback and comments about the app and tools. It’s very interesting to see how PicsArtists receive the new features we develop.”
Since she is one of the most active PicsArtists in our office, she is on top of any app issues that may arise. “When PicsArt is experiencing server problems, I run to the team that works on this and let them know that I can not get any PicsArting done. I feel like I am speaking on behalf of all of us.”
Although she uses most of the Photo Studio tools, she has a special affinity for Shape Masks and Effects. You can see this in her Gallery, which is full of charming and warm photos.
“PicsArt has changed my life. It has helped me to see the beauty of everything around me and everyone I meet. It has helped me to be more creative and has urged me to be more responsible in spreading beauty throughout the world. PicsArt beautified my day, my life, and my world.”
As for PicsArt, we are very fortunate to have dedicated PicsArtists like Ani on our team who believe in our mission and help make it a reality.
This story was prepared by PicsArt’s Community Editor, Madlene (@madlene_pa). If you have a PicsArt story to share, we would love to read it. Please send an email to [email protected]