There’s no denying that retro photos are cool. There’s something nostalgic about looking through faded photographs or discovering an old polaroid. In this tutorial, we’ll show you four different ways to achieve that effortless retro vibe in a completely modern way—with PicsArt! 

Option 1: The Twilight Effect

Step 1: Open Image

Tap on Edit and select the image you’d like to edit from your Gallery.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe     4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Step 2: Open Effects Menu

Tap on Effect to open the Effects Menu. Select the Fx section.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe     4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Step 3: Apply Effect

Select the Twilight Effect and tap on the check mark to confirm.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe   4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro VibeStep 4: Open Curves Tool

Tap on the Tool icon to open the Tools menu and tap on Curves.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe    4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe 

Step 5: Adjust Curves & Finish

With the three-tone option selected, drag the center of the curves line down slightly to soften and darken the tones. Tap on the check mark to confirm, and you’re done!

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe    4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe     4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Option 2: The Film B&W Effect

Step 1: Open Image

Tap on Edit and select the image you’d like to edit from your Gallery.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe     4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Step 2: Open Effects Menu

Tap on Effect to open the Effects Menu. Select the Fx section.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe    4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Step 3: Apply Effect

Select the Film B&W Effect. Tap on the gear icon to open the settings tab.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe    4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Step 4: Customize Effect

Adjust the Input Shift and Output Shift sliders. Tap on the check mark to confirm.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe    4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe    4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Option 3: The Warm Amber Effect

Step 1: Open Image

Tap on Edit and select the image you’d like to edit from your Gallery.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe     4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Step 2: Open Effects Menu

Tap on Effect to open the Effects Menu. Select the Fx section.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe     4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Step 3: Apply Effect

Select the Warm Amber Effect and tap on the check mark to confirm.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe    4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe    4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Option 4: The Vintage Effect

Step 1: Open Image

Tap on Edit and select the image you’d like to edit from your Gallery.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe     4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Step 2: Open Effects Menu

Tap on Effect to open the Effects Menu. Select the Fx section.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe     4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe

Step 3: Select Effect

Select the Vintage Effect. Tap on the gear icon to open the settings tab and customize your Effect (we chose V3 for our image). When you’re done, tap on the check mark to confirm.

4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe    4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe     4 Ways to Give Your Photos a Retro Vibe