This week, we are holding a Circus Drawing Challenge, in which users must use PicsArt Drawing tools to draw different scenes from the circus. This is a step-by-step drawing tutorial to show you different techniques on how to organize your workspace and how to use PicsArt drawing tools. Here we show you how to draw the most stunning circus scene in only 7 steps. Whether you use this tutorial as a guide or as a source of inspiration, this tutorial can only increase your chances of winning this week’s contest!

Step 1: Open the PicsArt Drawing Tool

Select “Draw” from the main screen and then select “Draw blank” to start a new drawing from scratch. You have the option of choosing the precise width, height, and orientation of your drawing before entering your work space.

how to draw circus step by step

Step 2: Roughly Outline Tent

Draw a rough outline of your circus tent. This is the stage for your circus, so figure out what angel you want your drawing to be from, outline the main ring, the crowd, and the tent itself.

how to draw circus step by step

Step 3: Roughly Outline Performance

In a higher outline outline the scene of your performance. Figure out what kind of performance you want, whether it’s a trapeze act or animal show, and use this opportunity to map it out.

how to draw a circus step by step

Step 4: Draw Final Outline

Reduce the opacity of your outlines, and add a new layer. Draw a more precise outline. Draw clean lines, formulate the shapes of the objects and people, and add details. Repeat the process when done for an even more precise final outline, and delete all previous outlines.

how to draw a circus step by step

how to draw a circus step by step

how to draw a circus step by step

Step 5: Color Your Drawing

Add new layers in which to color your drawing. Give yourself some freedom by coloring different sets of objects in different layers, for example saving one layer for just your background, one for only people, and another for props. Merge layers when done.

how to draw a circus step by step

Step 6: Add Lighting & Shading

Add new layers to add lighting and shading. You can either designate different layers for different objects, or use some for lighting and others for shading. Use translucent or spray brushes to add darker and lighter tones based on the direction of your light source.

how to draw a circus step by step

how to draw a circus step by step