Last Wednesday, the world watched in horror as terrorists carried out a senseless act of violence at the Parisian magazine Charlie Hebdo, but in the days that followed, the world watched millions of people around the globe gather and voice their solidarity for the fallen.

We invited our community to join in this global healing process by sharing messages of support with the tag #charliehebdo, and sure enough, multitudes came forward to make their solidarity known.

From heartfelt messages, to poignant cartoon images, this was one of those occasions where it’s hard not to get a little teary eyed over how beautifully we can all come together in tough times.

We’re sharing some of our favorite images below, and of course, the comment section is yours if you want to add any thoughts.

je suis Charlie

je suis Charlie

je suis Charlie

je suis Charlie

je suis Charlie

je suis Charlie

je suis Charlie

je suis Charlie

je suis Charlie

je suis Charlie