Parallel universes are in. From the Upside-Down dimension in “Stranger Things,” to the world-jumping antics of Marvel’s newest hero, Doctor Strange, it seems like everybody is thinking beyond this dimension (and about anything with the word “strange”). And with our latest tutorial, we’re fully on board.
Users have been creating whole alternative worlds above their heads and below their feet, and today, we’re going to try and spread these gravity-bending powers around. Here are some tips on how to create your very own upside-down world.
Erase Like a Pro
Blending two landscapes gets tricky where they intersect. After you use the Add Photo Tool to import your images, use the brush to erase and weave the two landscapes together, deciding which pieces go in front of which. Lower the brush’s hardness for a smoother seam.
Grass on Grass
A good trick to make your life easier is to blend your landscapes together along similar common elements. Stitch the grass of one landscape along the grass off another landscape, for example.
Into the Clouds
A saving grace in any upside-down landscape is clouds. You can always fade distant parts of your landscapes into billowing clouds as a realistic way to hide your seams.
Mirror Worlds
Some landscapes are just made to be mirrored over themselves. You can use the Add Photo Tool to import a duplicate, or you can do the same thing in Draw by copying your photo layer and then flipping it with the “transform” option in the layer menu. If your landscape runs straight and horizontal across the image, you can also use the Mirror Effect to reflect it vertically.
A Touch of the Extraordinary
If you’re making extraordinary landscapes, don’t hesitate to flaunt your talents and throw in some extraordinary beings. Our sticker packs give you all kinds of wings, masks, sparks and other fireworks to transform yourself into something supernatural.
Through Lines
A great way to help bring out the illusion of a floating slab of double-sided landscape is to put something through it that comes out of both sides. A simple geometric shape made with the Shape Tool can go a long way.
Not only does the Blur Effect help cover your tracks in terms of hiding your blending, but it grounds your upside-down world in the real perspective of a photo. If the tree behind you is too far back to be in focus, the same goes for the city 10 miles high in the sky.
Seamless Sunsets
For an explosion of ultraviolet brilliance, put two sunsets head to head. Turn it all up to eleven with beach sunsets, where the colors are reflected in the water of each, and and you’ll get some truly remarkable and effortless magic.
Night and Day
It’s not all about the land; you can have just as much with the sky. If the world above ground is at sunrise, why not throw your underworld into the dark depths of nighttime?
Low Ceiling
Claustrophobia has its own quality, so why not lock two landscapes one on top of the other? Look at how those trees close in on each other like teeth in a closing set of jaws… Awesome.
The Sky Is Falling
If you have a whole cityscape hanging above your head, why not raise the stakes and break off a piece? Copy-paste a chunk of your skyscraper falling to the earth with the Selection Tool, and paint over its original location with the sky from the landscape below.
Inspired to take your photo editing to a higher dimension? Enter the wormhole of upside-down edits and share your edits on PicsArt photo editor with the hashtag #UpsideDown.