Stickers are one of the easiest ways to have fun on PicsArt and still do some pretty great things. This video tutorial will show you how a single sticker, customized different ways in the settings, can completely transform a photo. In less than a minute’s time, this video will open your eyes to how versatile stickers really are. We also encourage users to check out the accompanying photo tutorial below for added guidance and clarification. Have fun!

Step 1: Open a Photo

Upload a photo into the PicsArt main editor.

how to use PIcsArt stickers in many ways

Step 2: Choose Sticker

Click the sticker icon in the menu bar and select a sticker that you think goes well with your photo. Then, just tap your photo wherever you want to stick it on. Stick on as many stickers as you need.

how to use PIcsArt stickers in many ways

how to use PIcsArt stickers in many ways

Step 3: Adjust Size

Adjust the sliders in between stickers to customize them. Increase the size slider, and the next place you touch will have a much larger sticker!

how to use PIcsArt stickers in many ways

Step 4: Adjust Hue

Use the hue slider to change the color of your stickers. Whenever you use the sliders, it doesn’t change the stickers you have already added, only the next one you will add.

how to use PIcsArt stickers in many ways

Step 5: Experiment

Try different sizes and colors to position your stickers exactly as you want to.

how to use PIcsArt stickers in many ways

Step 6: Finish

Save and confirm your changes.

how to use PIcsArt stickers in many ways