June and July may have flown by, but remember, summer isn’t over yet! To continue celebrating these sunny days, we’re bringing you this cute summer edit courtesy of PicsArt user @alanasofiao. This text cutout edit is the coolest for those hot summer days. And as a bonus, she’s even translated her instructions for our Spanish-speaking users! ¡Vea las instrucciones en español debajo del video!
- Download PicsArt photo editor and collage maker for iOS, Android, or Windows.
- Open your picture in the photo editor and tap on the Draw icon.
- Tap on the Add icon in the bottom toolbar and select “Sticker.” Choose your sticker and place it on the photo.
- Tap on the eraser icon and then the text icon. Type your text, select the font and size, and tap on “Apply.”
- Swipe your finger over the sticker to apply your text cutout. If you make a mistake, tap on the undo arrow at the top of the screen and try again.
- When you’re done, tap on “Apply.”
- Tap on the arrow in the top right corner to finish. Save your photo and share it on PicsArt with the hashtag #TextCutout!
Versión en español
- Descarga la aplicación PicsArt, editor de fotos y collage para iOS, Android ó Windows.
- Abre tu foto en el editor para fotos y selecciona el ícono de dibujo.
- Oprime el ícono Añadir en la barra de herramientas inferior y selecciona “Pegatina”. Escoge tu pegatina y aplícala en la foto.
- Selecciona el ícono de borrar y luego el de texto. Escribe el texto, escoge el tipo de letra y ajusta el tamaño. Presiona “Aplicar”.
- Desliza el dedo sobre la pegatina para aplicar tu texto de recorte. Si cometes un error, selecciona el ícono deshacer and la parte superior y vuelve a intentarlo.
- Cuando hayas terminado presiona “Aplicar.”
- Presiona la flecha en la parte superior derecha, graba tu foto y compartela en PicsArt con el hashtag #TextCutout!
PicsArt photo editor, collage maker and sticker maker is all about you. If you haven’t tried it, you’re missing out! Remix free-to-edit pictures into awesome collages and memes. Download the app to get in on the action.