How to Create a Perspective Drawing With PicsArt

For this week’s Drawing Challenge, we’re asking you to create a perspective drawing. In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll cover the basic principles for creating a perspective drawing, and show you how to use PicsArt’s drawing tools. Read on to learn more!

Step 1: Create Grid

You can use the line option in the Shape Tool to create your grid, or draw it freehand using the Brush Tool. Start by selecting your center point and drawing a vertical and horizontal axis from there. Select your vanishing points on the horizontal axis, and the points that will mark the height of your building on the vertical axis. Draw diagonal lines connecting the two points (these are called orthogonals), as well as a few additional lines to guide you as you draw. When you’re done, create a new layer, increase the thickness of your line in the Shape Tool, and outline your building, using your grid as a guide.

How to Create grid for Perspective drawing

Second layer for the prospective drawing

Step 2: Sketch Building Details

Create a new layer and select the Brush Tool. Continuing to use your grid as a guide, start adding architectural details like windows and doors. You might need to draw additional lines parallel to your vertical axes to guide you. Using a thin black brush with a reduced opacity, start adding in shading.

Sketch building details in prospective drawing

Outline the scetches of the prospective

Step 3: Finalize Sketch

Merge all layers except your background layer. Create a new layer and trace a clean outline of your building. Don’t forget to retrace the grid lines from your original sketch; they will guide you as you continue with your drawing. When you’re done, hide your original sketch. In a new layer, add shading by drawing a series of parallel lines in the shaded areas. Sketch any other details you like to add into your scene.

Clean outline of the prospective

Adding shading to the perspective outline

Step 4: Add Details

Adding layers as you go, use a thin black brush to add more shading and detail to your sketch.

Use black brush to add more shading

Draw detailsfor the perspective drawing

Step 5: Finish Sketch & Add Color

In a new layer, use a thin black brush to finalize your drawing, adding grid lines as you go to guide you. Use a thick, light blue brush with a reduced opacity to color in your sky.

Finalize your perspective drawing

Color the sky with blue brush

Step 6: Add Color & Shading

Continue adding color to your drawing, using a brush with a reduced opacity. Add more shading using a thick, grey brush and a thin, black brush. 

add colors to the perspective

Use Grey brush to add shading

Step 7: Apply Effect

When you’re done with your drawing, open it in the Editor and apply a Photo Effect—we chose the Light Cross Effect. Then, save your work and share it!

Finalize the perspective drawing

add photo effect to the drawing