Did you ever capture a photo up in the air only to get let down by a sky whose clear blue has come out as pale and overly bright, washing out your main subject?

Well with PicsArt, you can fix that in just a few steps and replace it with a neat solid white background, while emboldening your main subject. All it takes is a bit of tweaking with a couple of sliders. Find out how below!

Step 1: Adjust

Upload your photo into the editor, then select the Tools icon from the menu bar. Select Adjust to access the adjustment sliders.

How to Smooth an Overly Bright Sky Into a Clean White Background

How to Smooth an Overly Bright Sky Into a Clean White Background

How to Smooth an Overly Bright Sky Into a Clean White Background

Step 2: Brightness

Select Brightness and increase the slider to wash out the background into a sheet of white.

How to Smooth an Overly Bright Sky Into a Clean White Background

How to Smooth an Overly Bright Sky Into a Clean White Background

Step 3: Contrast

To help your subject pop against the background, select the Contrast slider and increase it to your liking. This should help flesh out the colors and shadows of your subject.

How to Smooth an Overly Bright Sky Into a Clean White Background

How to Smooth an Overly Bright Sky Into a Clean White Background

Step 4: Confirm & Save

Press the checkmark to confirm, then press the icon with the downward facing arrow to save.

How to Smooth an Overly Bright Sky Into a Clean White Background

How to Smooth an Overly Bright Sky Into a Clean White Background