Blue is a lot of people’s favorite color. If you take the time to admire its many shades, it’s easy to understand why. The light blue shade – as detailed below – is evocative, peaceful, cool, and comforting. Light blue is a versatile color that’s a joy to work with. Let’s explore its myriad uses, color scheme combinations, and alternatives.
Light Blue Hex Code
Light blue’s hex code is #add8e6. In the RGB color space, it consists of 67.8% red, 84.7% green, and 90.2% blue. In the CMYK system it’s 24.8% cyan, 6.1% magenta, 0% yellow, and 9.8% black. You can make light blue paint easily, by adding white to blue.
Light blue color can also be described as pastel blue or soft cyan. People often confuse it with blue-gray, cerulean, sky blue, and other similar shades. According to color psychology, light blue represents tranquility, trust, freedom, healing, and cleanliness. It’s an expansive and soothing color that reflects dreamy and contemplative moods. Even logos of popular social media platforms use it. You’ll also find light blue widely used in marketing and branding. Elsewhere, it can be found on the country flag of Argentina, and it’s the color of choice for many universities and sports teams.
How do You Work with Light Blue Color?
Light blue color is a pleasure to work with. Here are some simple design ideas to spark some inspiration:
Picsart has such a large collection of templates. No matter what you’re looking for, you’ll find something to work with. Just click Templates and search for ‘light blue’. Alternatively, you can search for ‘blue’ and pick the ones that feature light blue. Click the template you like and customize it with ease.
Light blue is the perfect background color in many cases. To set the background color to light blue, click Color, type in the light blue hex code, #add8e6, and click enter.
Want to add light blue text to your designs? Just click Text and then Add a body text, type in whatever you want to, click Color from the menu above and add the hex code #add8e6, then click Enter. You can now play with the font and make other adjustments.
Click Stickers from the left-hand side menu and search for ‘light blue’. Scroll down to browse the multitude of options. Click on the one you want to add to your canvas and start customizing it.
Think your design could use a geometric, abstract or decorative shape? Click Elements and then add the one you want. Select Color from the menu above, input the light blue hex code #add8e6 and click enter.
What Colors Complement Light Blue?
Wondering which colors work well with light blue? These are your best choices for a light blue color palette.
The most complementary color for light blue is #e6bbad, Zinnwaldite. This pale pink shade sits opposite light blue on the color wheel, creating a tension when the two are combined. In the RGB space, it is made up of 92.16% red, 76.8% green, and 68.63% blue.
Light blue color, along with #adbce6 (closest to Perano) and #ade6d8 (Ice Cold) creates an analogous color scheme. As it goes with analogous colors, these three create a harmonious color palette that’s easy to work with.
Combine light blue with #e6add8 (French Lilac) and #d8e6ad (Reef) to get a vibrant and bold triadic color scheme. In most cases, it’s better to emphasize only one of the colors, using the other two as accents.
A tetradic color scheme is made up of two complementary pairs. Here it’s light blue and Zinnwaldite (#e6bbad), along with Chinook (#ade6bb) and #e6add8 (French Lilac).
Monochromatic palettes are also easy to work with. Try combining light blue with Light Cyan (#72bcd4) and Alice Blue (#e8f4f8).
The idea behind split complements is to avoid the direct opposition of complementary colors, opting instead for the ones right next to it. Combine light blue with Melanie (#e6adbc) and a shade of Sidecar (#e6d8ad) for a split complementary palette.
What Is the Lightest Blue Color?
The lightest blue color is Alice blue, a pale azure with the hex code of #f0f8ff. Made up of 94.1% red, 97.3% green, and 100% blue, it’s also referred to as white-blue or icy blue. The color said to be a favorite of Theodore Roosevelt’s daughter has even inspired the Broadway song Alice Blue Gown back in 1919.
What Are the Different Shades of Blue?
Looking for a shade of blue other than light blue? Check out some of these options:
Tiffany Blue
Tiffany Blue is a mixture of blue and green, and has come to symbolize luxury thanks to its association with the famous jewelry company. The color has a hex code of #0abab5 and is made up of 3.9% red, 72.9% green, and 71% blue.
Azure is a bright cyan-blue named after the famous blue mineral lapis lazuli. It has a hex code of #007fff and consists of 0% red, 49.8% green, and 100% blue. Azure’s complementary color is orange (#ff8000).
Teal Green
If you’re considering moving away from blue, teal green may be the shade for you. Described as an elegant hue of blue-green, teal green is darker and richer than cyan. The color has a hex code of #0abab5 and consists of 3.9% red, 72.9% green, and 71% blue.
Klein Blue
Klein Blue (#002fa7) is a deep blue first mixed by the French painter Yves Klein. He described the color as, “Only blue, a blue so intense and so deep that it is reflected in the eye as the sky over the sea.”
Create High-Quality Edits Using Light Blue Color
Ready to start editing with Picsart but need an extra dose of inspiration? Take a look at these simple light blue editing tutorials to grease the wheels of creation.
On the Web
1. Open the Picsart web editor and click on Designing For and choose a social media canvas size (for the purposes of this illustrative exercise).
2. Now it’s time to fill your canvas. Click on Background icon in the left-hand panel and input the HEX code for light blue.
3. Click on the Text tool and Add a Heading.
4. Choose your font, set the color to light blue, input the size value and type in your copy.
5. Repeat the process for a separate style of font and message.
6. Add shapes by clicking on the Elements tool and selecting the one you like, choosing the color light blue in the panel above the canvas.
7. You can repeat the above steps if you need to add images, stickers, further fonts or graphic touches. Once you’ve finalized all edits, click on Export and download your work.
On the App
1. Open the Picsart app and tap on the plus sign (+) at the bottom of the screen to start your design.
2. Tap on Color Backgrounds, and then select the color picker option.
3. Input the light blue color code and tap on the checkmark in the top-right corner.
4. On the bottom of your screen tap on Text.
5. Choose your font, color, size, and type in the copy, tapping Apply when you’re done. Repeat the process for any additional text required.
6. Add finishing touches such as masks, stickers, images, shapes, and more.
7. When you’re happy with the final design tap on Apply to confirm all edits.
8. Save your work or post it to the Picsart creative community to finish.
Create at the Speed of Culture
Picsart is a full ecosystem of free-to-use content, powerful tools, and creator inspiration. With a billion downloads and more than 150 million monthly active creators, Picsart is the world’s largest creative platform. Picsart has collaborated with major artists and brands like BLACKPINK, Taylor Swift, the Jonas Brothers, Lizzo, Ariana Grande, Jennifer Lopez, One Direction, Sanrio: Hello Kitty, Warner Bros. Entertainment, iHeartMedia, Condé Nast, and more. Download the app or start editing on web today to enhance your photos and videos with thousands of quick and easy editing tools, trendy filters, fun stickers, and brilliant backgrounds. Unleash your creativity and upgrade to Gold for premium perks!