The Drawing Challenge this week is a contest for PicsArtists to draw their own depiction of a footpath. Footpaths are small walkways in cities and rural settings, but paths are also beautiful symbols for journeys and the way we go through life. Still, it is a broad topic and users could benefit from a little help to guide them along the way. This is a step-by-step drawing tutorial on how to draw a path, and how to handle the challenges of perspective, color, and texture that await. Follow this tutorial, and when you’re done, follow your own path into the competition! 

Step 1: Draw the Basic Outline

First, pick a focal point and draw straight lines along where you want to draw your path to use as references for perspective. Using these lines, sketch a rough outline of your path. 

how to draw a footpath step by step

Step 2: Reduce the Opacity

Reduce the opacity and in a new layer, define the reference lines coming out of the focal point, and draw a box half way between the middle and the edge of your frame to establish distance and perspective. 

how to draw  a footpath step by step

how to draw a footpath step by step

Step 3: Add Objects Along Your Path

In a new layer, use your perspective lines and box to draw objects along your path. Objects get smaller as they get farther away and these lines tell you how tall these objects should be. 

how to draw a footpath step by step

Step 4: Create Final Outline

Reduce the opacity and trace your final outline in a new layer. Use clean deliberate strokes to finish the outline, and then delete all background layers when you are done. 

how to draw a footpath step by step

Step 5: Add Basic Colors

Add a layer and color in your outline. You may choose to do this in multiple layers so you can focus on coloring specific items individually. 

how to draw a footpath step by step

Step 6: Add Initial Shading

Add shading with spray brushes, using colors of darker and lighter tones to create shadows and glares respectively. 

how to draw a footpath step by step

Step 7: Color Everything Else 

In different layers, color in the details of each item individually to give each one the attention it deserves. Use various textures of different colors to add all of the missing elements, clusters of foliage, streaks of sunlight, glowing lamplight, dirt on benches, whatever it takes. 

how to draw a footpath step by step

Congratulations, your Path is complete!