Learn all about the color Yellow Green

Learn about the psychology behind the color Yellow Green and what it represents. Explore its meanings and color combinations for your design inspiration.

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Yellow Green#9ACD32
Yellow Green color with #9ACD32 hex code

Meaning of the color Yellow Green

Yellow green is a lively and refreshing shade that blends the brightness of yellow with the calmness of green. This unique hue embodies energy, growth, and renewal, often associated with the natural world. Its cheerful and revitalizing character makes it a popular choice in designs meant to inspire optimism and vitality.
Yellow green pairs beautifully with a variety of colors to create stunning palettes. Combine it with crisp whites or light grays for a modern and clean aesthetic. For a bold and contrasting look, pair yellow green with navy blue or deep purple. It also harmonizes effortlessly with other earthy tones like brown and muted orange, bringing balance and warmth to your designs.

Psychological characteristics of Yellow Green color

Yellow green is a color that exudes energy and balance, offering qualities that uplift and inspire:

  • Energy and vitality: Its yellow tones bring a sense of enthusiasm and positivity.
  • Growth and renewal: The green undertones evoke nature and rejuvenation.
  • Creativity and freshness: Yellow green sparks innovation with its lively and unique hue.
  • Harmony and balance: The mix of warm and cool tones creates a sense of equilibrium.

Symbolic meanings of color Yellow Green

Energy and growth
Freshness and renewal
Optimism and creativity
Harmony and balance

Technical information about Yellow Green/#9ACD32

The yellow green hex code, #9ACD32, captures its vibrant blend of yellow and green tones. In the RGB color model, yellow green is composed of 60.39% red, 80.39% green, and 19.61% blue. In the CMYK model, it is represented as 25% cyan, 0% magenta, 75.63% yellow, and 19.61% black.
Yellow green’s dynamic nature makes it a versatile choice for a wide range of creative applications, from branding and marketing to interior and fashion design. Its vibrant yet balanced appearance ensures it adds a fresh and modern touch to any project.

Yellow Green color conversion table

The hexadecimal color #9ACD32 has RGB values of R: 154 , G: 205, B: 50 and CMYK values of C: 25, M: 0, Y: 76, K:20.
Color codeValueCSS
RGB DECIMAL154, 205, 50rgb(154, 205, 50)
RGB PERCENTAGE60%, 80%, 20%60, 80, 20
CMYK25, 0, 76, 20
HSL79.7°, 60.8, 50.0hsl(79.7°, 60.8%, 50.0%)
HSV (OR HSB)79.7°, 75.6, 80.4
CIE-LAB76.535, -37.990, 66.586
XYZ35.733, 50.763, 10.932
XYY0.367, 0.521, 50.763
CIE-LCH76.535, 76.661, 119.707
CIE-LUV76.535, -25.496, 81.708
HUNTER-LAB71.248, -35.160, 40.776
BINAR10011010 11001101 00110010

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