
How to Create a Bookmark

Open Editor
Choose Design
Customize Design
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click create bookmark button to open the picsart editor

Click the Create Bookmark button at the top of this page to go straight to the editor, where all the design tools you’d need will be.

A Full Suite of Tools for Designing Your Own Bookmark

Easy-to-use tools for professional results

The assortment of Picsart editing tools means you can create original, exciting bookmark designs in a variety of ways.

Upload your own images

If pre-made templates aren’t for you, upload your own images to easily design your ideal bookmark with a background you prefer.

Millions of free images to choose from

For those searching for inspiration, Picsart offers an extensive library of free images to jumpstart your creative process.

Add endless stickers to keep those creative juices flowing

An array of stickers perfect for any theme or interest to tailor your bookmark to perfection.

Customizable bookmark designs

Picsart can make things easy with pre-made customizable bookmark designs that can be tailored and edited as you wish.

Download and share your designs to collaborate easily or come back to later

It’s simple to save, download, and share your creations with anyone.

Bookmark Maker FAQ

The standard bookmark size is 2.5” x 8.5” (215.9 x 63.5 mm), with some variations.

That depends on who will be using it. Your bookmarks are entirely your creation, so depending on whether you are making them for yourself, friends, or a professional occasion, your design should be chosen with that in mind.

It’s simple. Once you’re finished creating, just download your design and print it on whatever paper or stock you’d prefer.

While there are a variety of options, by far the most popular is cardstock, which can be easily used on any home printer.

Yes, depending on the printer. You can simply use the same stock sheet and run it back through the printer to create matching (or unique) designs on either side.